Thursday, January 04, 2007

Damn, it has been a minute.

More than a month since the last post. Sorry for the one dude I went to high school with who occasionally checks this website out.

These new commercials for "The Hitcher" are a bit disconcerting. Mainly because no mention is made of the fact that it is a remake of Rutger Hauer's best role, that of the ridonkulously insane John Rider. If this flick is half the flick that ripped Jennifer Jason Leigh in half, I will be impressed.

In other news, I was watching "Cocktail" during the commercials of the Sugar Bowl, and imagine my surprise when I realized that Matthew McConaughey is about 7 years from being the spitting image of famed Australian actor Bryan Brown. Don't believe me?

Fuck you:

I know this is an old picture. I think it is from when he got arrested for smoking reefer naked while watching his DVD of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4. (This is an excellent film for all those who have not seen it.)

Not to be confused with two time Oscar winner Michael Caine.