You may ask me, "Should I try 'cunt?'" Nay, young padawan, for that is too harsh a word, and the lass in question will simply dismiss you as a crude longshoreman, unworthy of her concern.
To properly upset a woman with namecalling, one must be subtle, but blunt enough to get your point across. My personal favorite is to call a woman "hooker." Maybe yell it at them. Do not ruin the effect by saying something akin to "you act like a hooker," or "you could be a hooker the way you do my friends." Your goal is to be short and to the point. "You fucking hooker!!" is a good one. Also simply try screaming the noun as fiercely as you can right in her face. I am not responsible for your injuries if you fuck this up.

Not this guy.
1 comment:
You might be on to something. I would cut an asshole if he called me a cunt, but if all the sudden he busted out with, "You fuckin' hooker!" I would be rather taken aback. It would shut me the hell up, that's for sure.
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