Mmmmm, incapacitating.
Like a child, who wanders into the middle of a movie, with no frame of reference, I come to bring content to the deaf, dumb, and blind. Or the deaf and dumb, at the very least.
I read something recently at EDSBS.com, which is probably the best website around, which made me think.
Essentially, a thread deteriorated to the point that people were talking about tasers. This reminded me of my own tangential experience with the taser. Or, as it is known colloquially, the "finger of Mephistopheles."
On my lone unfortunate trip to Jacksonville, FL, I encountered the very worst of redneck cop-dom out for quick money. Because many people who are arrested during "Georgia/Florida Weekend" are not from the greater Duval County area, they can be held impudently because said people have no real hope of beating their case.
My specific situation, for instance, involved a young man who came from Athens, GA, to enjoy a football game. Said fan met his friends and left his vehicle in Jesup, GA, on the way to Jacksonville. He checked into a horrible motel room, Friday night, as is the tradition.
It is here our friend's story takes a turn for the worse. Said gentleman lost his mates at the mass of humanity called The Landing. His ex-girlfriend called him soon thereafter, necessitating him to become enraged and heave his phone against the side of a bank building in downtown Jacksonville.
Unable to reach his friends by telecommunication, the young man was forced to spend the evening sleeping in a bush in a hedgerow nearby some offices in downtown Jacksonville. The next day was equally unforgiving, as his team lost, he was arrested, and taken to jail.
It is here the doors come off this tale of woe. While in the drunk tank with the other poor souls whose only crime was to look at a cop crookedly on the worst weekend of the year, he got to know some of the other inmates. Ninety percent were simply gentlemen who had been enjoying the "World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party" (that is a lot of adjectives,) and been taken in for ridiculous purposes.
Two individuals in particular struck his attention. Both Georgia fans, one had on a pair of "Space Jam" Jordan XI. When the two were led out of the drunk tank to deposit their belongings into ziplock bags, one made a break for it. At this point, a man who appeared to be Bill Duke, character actor known for playing Mack in the first Predator movie, tazed the shit out of him. One guard had tried to taze him at first, but the guy with the Jordans had managed to turn to the side quickly and let the hooks fly by him. Bill Dukes had better aim. I watched the poor sack through the window, afflictedly spasming like a retarded kid having a reaction to too much Cinnamon Life Cereal. I vowed never to pee on myself in public. There is much more to this ridiculous story, but that is best left to another day.
1 comment:
Nothing but a case of the man trying keep you down.
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