A post from Michael over at Braves and Birds reminded me of an anecdote from my life that may support retelling. As a youth, recently become a man, I acquired tickets to the playoff games of '99 featuring your Atlanta Braves versus the somewhat looked down upon New York Mets. These halcyon days of a pre-cinema DMX bore witness to a pretty good series. My indelible memory was scarred however, not by what I saw on the field, but in the stands. In the early goings, I was merely bemused by the overzealous Mets fan seated in the next section. I was further entertained when he decided to spend innings 4 through 7 unconscious. My young mind was forever imprinted though, when he rose groggily to his feet late in the game. The gentleman looked around him bewilderedly, seemingly surprised to find himself at a baseball game. He then undid his pants, pulled out his dick, and proceeded to pee on the understandably upset citizen in front of him. Mets fan was quickly led out by security, while urine-drenched fan rained blows down upon him. I never saw anything like that before or since, but I bet that guy didn't feel a single punch he was hit with.